Our Work
Postnatal Patient Experience Animations
We used visualization and digital storytelling to transform observational data of the patient experiences and their interactions with healthcare professionals in the postnatal unit. Our goal is to elicit empathy, stimulate stakeholder engagement, and serve as a practical training tool for clinicians.
Two and a Half Hours in the Postnatal Unit Health Complications Communication(1 of 4).
Two and a Half Hours in the Postnatal Unit Postpartum pain (4 of 4).
Need for Help
The Context of Hospital Discharge
Two and a Half Hours in the Postnatal Unit Companion inclusion (2 of 4).
Early Postpartum Rounding
Dignified Care
Hypertension Interviews
Two and a Half Hours in the Postnatal Unit Lactation support (3 of 4).
Patient Experiences of Early Postpartum Rounding
Social Needs Support
One Page Resources
These one-pagers provide specific information that will help you in the postnatal unit and your transition to home.
Each topic will provide you with a link to more resources, if you need it.
Birthing Parent Focused Resources
Baby Focused Resources
Transition Home: Hypertension Text Messages Study
This study was conducted to learn about what support is helpful for birthing parents with hypertension after their hospital stay. The goal of this study is to provide timely and meaningful resources during the first five weeks after childbirth.
Como revisar su presión arterial. Este video demuestra como revisar su presión arterial en casa con su tensiómetro.
Recruitment Flyer and Text Messages- English
(IRB approved- Recruitment Complete)
Recruitment Flyer for Postnatal Text Message Study- Español
(IRB approved- Recruitment Complete )
How to Check Your Blood Pressure. This video explains how to check your blood pressure at home with your blood pressure cuff.
Evaluation of patient access to Spanish-language services on a postpartum unit [In Press]
Jensen J., Sweeney A., Gill C., Mahtani R., Teal E.N., Stuebe A.M., and Tully K.P.
Welcoming, supportive care in US birthing facilities and realization of breastfeeding goals
Pearsall M., Stuebe A.M., Seashore C., Sullivan C., and Tully K.P.
Published: 2022
Systematic review of the effect of technology-mediated education intervention on maternal outcomes the first year after birth
Jaynes S., Brathwaite D.M., and Tully K.P.
Published: 2022
Postnatal unit experiences associated with exclusive breastfeeding during the inpatient stay: A cross-sectional online survey
Tully K.P., Smith J., Pearsall M., Seashore C., Sullivan C., and Stuebe A.M.
Published: 2022
Foreword: Respectful, Equitable, and Supportive Postpartum Care
Tully K.P., and Stuebe A.M. (Eds)
Published: 2022
Innovation in systems of postpartum care [In Press]
Harper K.D., Charles N., Gibson A.N., Tully K.P.
In A Jackson, D Cilenti, N Hernandez, B Castrucci, S
Practical Playbook III: Working Together to Improve Maternal Health
Verbiest S., and Michener J.L. (Eds)
Oxford University Press
Improving health equity through clinical innovation
Alfred M., and Tully K.P.
Published: 2022
Online participatory tools in classroom and research settings
Mahtani R., Gill C., Umstead K., Behnam Asl S., and Tully K.P.
Published: 2022
A collaborative approach to digital storytelling in healthcare settings
Behnam Asl S., Gill C., Umstead K., Mahtani R., and Tully K.P.
Published: 2022
Addressing the maternal mortality crisis through innovation and collaboration for equity
Cilenti D., Tully K.P., Woodward S., Hanson P., and Stuebe A.M.
Published: 2022
Risk Factors for Acute Care Utilization in the 90 days following childbirth
Stuebe, A.M., Tully, K.P., Hansen, C.J., Busse, C., and Patterson, E.S.
Published: 2021
101: Patterns of opiate prescribing following cesarean birth
Stuebe, A.M., et al
Published: 2018
Elevating mothers' voices: recommendations for improved patient-centered postpartum.
Verbiest, S., et al
Published: 2018
SMS4MOMS: Feasibility and Acceptability of Text Messaging to Assess Postpartum Infant Feeding-A Pilot Study
Muddana, A., and Stuebe, A.M.
Published: 2018
A Grounded Theoretical Analysis of Room Elements Desired by Family Members and Visitors of Hospitalized Patients: Implications for Medical/Surgical Hospital Patient Room Design.
Patterson, E.S., et al
Published: 2018
The Relationship Between Infant Feeding Outcomes and Maternal Emotional Well-being Among Mothers of Late Preterm and Term Infants: A Secondary, Exploratory Analysis. Adv Neonatal Care
Tully, K.P., et al
Published: 2017
The Fourth Trimester: A Critical Transition Period with Unmet Maternal Health Needs
Tully, K.P., A.M. Stuebe, and Verbiest, S.B.
Published: 2017
Clustering and Prioritizing Patient Safety Issues During EHR Implementation and Upgrades in Hospital Settings
Patterson, E.S., Anders, S., and Moffatt-Bruce, S.
Published: 2017
The Relationship Between Planned and Reported Home Infant Sleep Locations Among Mothers of Late Preterm and Term Infants
Tully, K.P., Holditch-Davis, D., and Brandon D.
Published: 2015
An intervention to extend breastfeeding among black and Latina mothers after delivery
Howell, E.A., et al
Published: 2014
Value Driven Innovation in Medical Device Design: A Process for Balancing Stakeholder Voices
De Ana, F.J., Umstead, K.A., Phillips, G.J., and Conner, C.P.
Published: 2013
Reducing postpartum depressive symptoms among black and Latina mothers: a randomized controlled trial
Howell, E.A., et al
Published: 2012
Postnatal unit bassinet types when rooming-in after cesarean birth: implications for breastfeeding and infant safety
Tully, K.P., and, Ball, H.L.
Published: 2012
Prototypes as Inquiry, Visualization and Communication, in International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education
Gill C., Sanders, E., and Shim S.
Published: 2011
Structuring flexibility: the potential good, bad and ugly in standardization of handovers
Patterson, E.S.
Published: 2008
Advances in Patient Safety High-Hanging Fruit: Improving Transitions in Health Care, in Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches (Vol. 3: Performance and Tools)
Perry, S.J., Wears, R.L., and Patterson E.S.
Published: 2008
Handoff strategies in settings with high consequences for failure: lessons for health care operations
Patterson, E.S., et al
Published: 2004
Screening and Referral for Social Determinants of Health: Maternity Patient and Health Care Team Perspectives
Tully K.P., Gibson A.N., Pearsall M.S., Umstead K., Gill C., and Stuebe A.M.
Published: 2022
Media Profiles
UNC Health & UNC School of Medicine
New grant will ‘re-engineer postnatal care’ to improve maternal and infant outcomes